Its not everyday you get to see George Bush sing, let alone a duet with Tony Blair singing Endless love (by Lionel Richie). Just for the sake of making things interesting, I have included the lyrics below so for those who are interested, they can sing along.
Etiquette in the Men’s restroom / washroom
I found this clip on youtube regarding a the etiquette within the men’s restroom. I think this will give an insight for girls who wonders what happens in the men’s room (nothing really). Humorous must watch video.
The human slingshot, see how this girl gets sling shotted through the air
I don’t know about you, but this thing seems bloody awesome, though there does seem to be major safety issues regarding this device. I don’t want to be on a wheel chair for the rest of my life if anything bad goes wrong. Check the video out below.
Incredible new innovation – the slinky chair
Bloody awesome clip I found on youtube which shows some guy demostrating a brand new invention, the slinky chair. Hard to explain what it is but just imagine a normal wooden chair with the ability to twist and turn just like a slinky. I took the liberty of posting the video up here.
People with free time loves to play with dominos
I was bored and decided to surf youtube for something interesting, thats when I found hundreds of Domino effect related clips. It turns out that bored people like me likes to play with dominos, especially building them in a way so that they can cause a chain reaction to be filmed for other Youtuber’s enjoyment. One clip which really caught my eyes was a domino effect combined with multiple billiard tables.
This is something for emo people
I have nothing against emo people, but these following clips really cracked me up. These are definitely must sees for people who knows anyone who is emo. Warning, if you are emo, don’t watch this, and if you do then don’t blame me for anything that you do to yourself.