Ok, I know some of you guys have probably had this interface for the past couple of weeks already, however it has only just appeeared for me and I’m kinda annoyed that it has. I can understand why there have been some design changes, but the first thing that really struck me was the similarity between the new Google results page, and the existing Bing results page. Like seriously, of all search engines, you go and copy Bing….
Amazon tells Google Teleport to shove it
Amazon, the worlds largest online retailer of books has given Google a big slap in the face over their new Teleporting site search bar. As per my previous post regarding Google’s second search bar, which was named Teleport or Teleporting, this feature provided users with a method of searching deeper within a selected website and helps Google increase revenue (as users are being exposed to more ads). This site search bar was developed under pressure from their investors to “Go back to their core business and raise revenue”.
Google’s second search bar helps users teleport!
Google has recently (Yesterday to be exact) added a second search bar within the Search results page to help users fine tune their results. This is in hope that users can get more specific results for a broader topic. This is what Google calls “Teleporting”.
Scraper Duplicate Content Sites – Do they affect your search rankings?
In short no, the worse that could happen is that you get frustrated another website has stolen your work and repurposed it as their own. I currently have atleast 50 scraper websites with my content on them, be it abstracts of my blog posts or complete rip offs, however none of them have affected my rankings on Google (I don’t really care about Yahoo or MSN Live to tell the truth).
Website Delisted from Google – Wonder why hmm
Well, I’ve been shamelessly promoting my new educational websites in previous posts and everything was going fine until today. I had a quick health check on two of my international websites – Learning How Germany and Learning How Italy, and to my surprise both of them have been delisted from Google.
A good meta description can get you more traffic
Here is another quick SEO101 lesson on the usage of meta description tag for on page optimisations. I have mentioned that I would make a post on meta description in my previous post on useless meta keywords, so this is basically a follow up on that. Much like page titles, meta description actually plays a big part on SERPs and works as your marketing ad copy to your potential visitor.
Microsoft Live Search upgrades in hopes to gain market share in search
Microsoft has finally decided that they don’t want to be number two (or three or four for that matter) anymore when it comes to search and has supposedly matched Google’s search relevancy as well as surpassed Yahoo’s search relevancy. As with many news that comes out of Microsoft, you need to take it with a grain of salt and hearing that they have beaten Yahoo at their own game (which mind you they have been doing for 13 years) over night seems like a bit of a stretch to me.
Ad placement formula change for Google Adwords
Seems the guys at the plex have decided to updated the way Google text based advertisements are being displayed and organised. This change should help improve the way ads are promoted to the top position on Google search engine result pages.
Supplemental Results Tag Removed from Google SERPs
Just when I thought I found the answer to looking up Supplemental result pages within the Google Index, the giant search engine decides to completely remove the notion of “supplemental results” from their index. This doesn’t actually mean that they have removed all supplemental pages, they just removed the “label” of supplemental results from their index, where by giving us as webmasters no indication of whether or not our pages are seen as low quality or not.
How to check Supplementary Results on Google
I have recently been riddled with supplementary results related questions at work and from clients, mainly after the recent Google update (Buffy) in April I believe. Unfortunately, Google also decided to remove the supplementary results checking command which we have all depended on for quiet some time. For those who can’t remember what it was here it is again.
Google Search within results option
Is it me or has Google launched a new tool which allows you to search for things within the results of something you have already searched for. I hardly ever scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page but when I ran a “site:” function on my blog site to check how many pages were indexed, I noticed the “Search within results” option. Right next to that there was the good old language tool for the compulsory searches of japanese animation and gaming information I run on a daily bases.
Google URL Removal Tool now in Webmaster Console
So here is the situation, you have a spiffy website with heaps of great content, maybe a few personal blog posts regarding people or companies you do not like. One day, you get a phone call for some lawyer threatening to take your website down and you with it if you don’t remove one or two of your blog posts. Like most bloggers, you get scared and remove the posts, but unfortunately the post still lingers as a cached copy on Google’s index. Well, its time for you to use Google’s URL Removal tool.
Removal of malicious links from Adwords
Though I personally have never experienced this before, it seems that there has been multiple accounts of Adwords purchased links which takes users to “unfriendly” websites that tries to install malicious software on visiting users. Luckily, Google has finally taken action to remove (hopefully ban) these Adwords accounts and continual effort has been made to prevent this from ever happening again.
Page titles, the most important on page optimisation
It is undeniable that page titles are the most important on page optimisation as well as the easiest to implement. Unfortunately, a lot of webmasters tend to forget the existent of such a tag in their html, hence completely forgetting to alter it to something other than the dreaded default “Untitled”.
How to get a new website indexed on Google fast
Following up on my post yesterday regarding slow or non indexing of a newly launched website, I have decided to post up a few tips and tricks to get your website indexed within three working days (others claim they can do it within 24 hours, but I doubt there is any truth behind that).
Top reasons why websites don’t get index and how to fix them
Question: My website still haven’t been indexed after a month, what can I do to help speed up the process of the website being indexed by Google?