I am a fan of the Mozilla Firefox browser, have been for awhile and will be until some other amazing browser appears (which would probably be off the Mozilla code base anyways). Like all Firefox fans, I have a few awesome plugins which I use on every install on every computer. Most of them help with my SEO efforts and some are just play cool to use regardless. Here I will document the ones which I use primarily for my Search Engine Optimisation purposes as well as development purposes.
Google’s second search bar helps users teleport!
Google has recently (Yesterday to be exact) added a second search bar within the Search results page to help users fine tune their results. This is in hope that users can get more specific results for a broader topic. This is what Google calls “Teleporting”.
Scraper Duplicate Content Sites – Do they affect your search rankings?
In short no, the worse that could happen is that you get frustrated another website has stolen your work and repurposed it as their own. I currently have atleast 50 scraper websites with my content on them, be it abstracts of my blog posts or complete rip offs, however none of them have affected my rankings on Google (I don’t really care about Yahoo or MSN Live to tell the truth).
A good meta description can get you more traffic
Here is another quick SEO101 lesson on the usage of meta description tag for on page optimisations. I have mentioned that I would make a post on meta description in my previous post on useless meta keywords, so this is basically a follow up on that. Much like page titles, meta description actually plays a big part on SERPs and works as your marketing ad copy to your potential visitor.
Spam comments provide targeted keywords tailored for high ROI
I have been reading spam comments on my blog for the past week, monitoring where they are coming from and what their intentions are. I usually just delete them on sight and for some uncanny reason, the number of spam has been dropping dramatically. However, I have noticed that most spam comments have laser targeted keywords which would directly increase their ROI.
Thinking up a topic for content generation via Keyword Research / Mining
We’ve all had problems, one way or another, when it comes to content generation. Be it for a blog or for a company website, or even for a client of yours. The main problem which I will address in this post is the process of formulating a topic within your niche to write about, which is one of the most common problem you will encounter during your content generation process.
How to check Supplementary Results on Google
I have recently been riddled with supplementary results related questions at work and from clients, mainly after the recent Google update (Buffy) in April I believe. Unfortunately, Google also decided to remove the supplementary results checking command which we have all depended on for quiet some time. For those who can’t remember what it was here it is again.
Domain age as a ranking factor on Google
Domain age, as the name states, is determined by the age of your domain, being an Australian blogger with an Australian domain, this usually works to my advantage. I say this because Austrailan domains, unlike other TLDs, have a minimum registration time of two years hence locking in my minimum domain age at two years instead of one. Australian domain names also have a barrier for entry as there are restrictions on who can own one and for what reason it can be owned for, this gives Australian domain slightly more trusts than cheaper generic TLDs.
Stop wasting link authority on low quality pages
I have recently noticed that most of my tag pages are supplementary results on Google, which basically tells me either those pages just don’t have enough links for Google to trust them or they are just crap (or duplicate content). It has always been wrongly implied that the more pages you have, the better the chance of you getting found. To an extent its true, however if 80% to 90% of your pages are rubbish, then you can kiss your Google ranking goodbye.
Time to get linky to SEO news
Its time for me to get real linky by posting up great post from the many different SEO bloggers around the world.
Strategies for launching a successful website subsection
I must apologise for the lack of Search engine optimisation related posts due to my increasing workload and my tired tired little eyes (yes I’m Chinese) after work. However, as promised I have written up a short post about generic ways on how to launch a subsection on an existing site. Learn how to successfully rank the new pages on Google with the following simple steps.
The usefulness of a website being XHTML compliant
Countless webmasters stress over the issue of the need to be XHTML compliant, for both search engine optimisation as well as to decrease cross browser issues. In a way being XHTML compliant is like providing a guarantee to your users that the site they are visiting is top notch. However is there really a need to goto such extent to get your website XHTML compliant?
People actually search for Francis Lee
It came to me as a surprise, mainly because its a name of no relevance and no meaning, secondly because I am pretty much a no body. However, after I installed HitTail, a long tail search term analyser to help me target different terms, I realised that people actually do find my website via searching my name.
Page titles, the most important on page optimisation
It is undeniable that page titles are the most important on page optimisation as well as the easiest to implement. Unfortunately, a lot of webmasters tend to forget the existent of such a tag in their html, hence completely forgetting to alter it to something other than the dreaded default “Untitled”.