That’s right, thanks to the millions of people (8,002,530 to be exact) who download Firefox 3 during their launch on the 17th of June 2008, Firefox 3 has earnt their place in the Guinness World Record for achieving the record for the “largest number of software downloads in 24 hours.”
Firefox 3 Download Day – 17th of June 2008
Yes, thats right, Firefox 3 is finally complete after 34 months of development from the guys at Mozilla and many many contributors around the world and guess what, its out on the 17th of June 2008. Just to mix things up abit, Mozilla wants to set a crazy new Guinness world record of the most software downloads in 24 hours.
A few Top SEO Firefox plugins that I use
I am a fan of the Mozilla Firefox browser, have been for awhile and will be until some other amazing browser appears (which would probably be off the Mozilla code base anyways). Like all Firefox fans, I have a few awesome plugins which I use on every install on every computer. Most of them help with my SEO efforts and some are just play cool to use regardless. Here I will document the ones which I use primarily for my Search Engine Optimisation purposes as well as development purposes.
Mozilla Firefox racks in Microsoft Internet Explorer’s market share
It wasn’t that long ago when Firefox was officially launched as a newly adopted Mozilla web browser, however comparing the current version of Firefox to how it was back then makes you realise how far it has gone. Unfortunately for Microsoft, the owner of Internet Explorer, Firefox seems to be racking in market share like there is no tomorrow according to Sydney Morning Herald.