• Making money online

    Adsense Revenue dropped after using Competitive Ad filter

    I have noticed a significant drop in traffic after I started using the competitive ad filter to remove MFA (Made for adsense) ads from my website. To be exact, my revenue dropped by 90% per day, it affect the CTR as well as average CPC. I, much like other Adsense publishers, are really anal about which ad we want to display and which we want to filter, and by using the the Competitive ad filter, we can achieve this to ultimately increase adsense revenue. Little did I know that the exact opposite would happen.

  • Making money online

    Can blogging make you rich or not?

    Recently, there has been many articles online and offline (on magazines such as Cosmo and Cleo – my fiance reads them) regarding people getting famous by blogging online. Of course fame and riches goes hand in hand in most cases and the people mentioned are most certainly a lot more well of than they were before they started blogging.