Recently, there has been many articles online and offline (on magazines such as Cosmo and Cleo – my fiance reads them) regarding people getting famous by blogging online. Of course fame and riches goes hand in hand in most cases and the people mentioned are most certainly a lot more well of than they were before they started blogging.
How to get a new website indexed on Google fast
Following up on my post yesterday regarding slow or non indexing of a newly launched website, I have decided to post up a few tips and tricks to get your website indexed within three working days (others claim they can do it within 24 hours, but I doubt there is any truth behind that).
A new blog symbolises a new beginning
Over the many years of blogging starting all the way back in 1999 (yes, you guessed it – I have started and abandoded many blogs. Many of which are of decent quality with great & entertaining content. My most recent blog was at, an Australian blog host which I founded and funded. It was a personal blog of my daily encounters & contains many links and goodies. Unfortunately, I sold for a heathy profit and eventually lost interest in my blog.