• Personal

    Learning How launches today!

    Well its the the year 2008, 6th of January and already I have a new venture starting up. Yes, thats right, I have decided to start launching websites once again, and this year is prime time for me baby! I present to you Learning How, an article website dedicated to relatively educational topics.

  • Blogging

    I made it on the Top 100 Australian Bloggers index

    Just got a ping from Meg from Blogpond that I made it to the top 100 Aussie bloggers, ranked current as number 99. Very amazing seeing that my site has only been in operation for approximately 1 month (or less). Great motivation for me to write more great SEO posts (if you can call it great) and post even more entertaining material for you guys to read. Other another note, now that my colleague should be back from training next week, I should have a lot more time to post so subscribe to my feeds to keep yourself up to date with SEO news and other great things.

  • Blogging

    The forumla for being a top Australian blogger

    As a search engine optimiser, I have always been interested in different types of lists which bloggers and authority figures conjure up. One recently list have caught my attention, and that is the infamous Top 100 Australian Bloggers list made by Meg. The aim of this list is to formulate the ultimate Australian Blogroll which ultimately provides Australian bloggers with the much needed attention it currently lacks.