
Uncaring society ignores dead person on road

Shock horror when I read the news article regarding the death of a motorcyclist and how he was left in the middle of a busy road. I had no idea something like this could happen anywhere, and the worse part is that this was all caught on video. It shows clearly how the motorcyclists, Moshe Yisraeli, gets run over by a truck and left for dead in the middle of one of the busiest roads I’ve seen. It also seems that the drivers were aware of the dead body, however instead of getting out to check if he was ok, they decided to careful drive pass him.

Unfortunately for Yisraeli, this conintued for approximately two more minutes because a genuinely concerned driver decided to investigate what was wrong. This is rather shocking as Israelis are well known for their pro active stance in helping people in accidents, tragedies and common terrorist bombings.

Check out the shocking footage of Yisraeli’s dead body on the road at Reuters.

Founder of UnicornGO, Visugu and Pixelsquare. I am an Aussie with a passion for building sustainable and scalable businesses servicing the mid to enterprise tier clients. Have an idea that need funding? Reach out to me and we can have a chat.

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