Blogging,  Interesting things,  Personal

I use twitter more than I blog now!

Ok, you know the world is changing when you stop blogging completely and start writing “twits” which can be anything as short as a few words in place of the blog you ditched. That is exactly what I have been doing, twitting on Twitter.

Now, much like you, I was sceptical that Twitter could be useful AT ALL, I mean, blogs in general gives you unlimited amount of typing space and freedom with the ability to post images and provide formatting, where as Twitter only gives you 140 characters to play with. This pretty much means that blogging allows you to really rant on about a certain topic whenever you feel the need to. For me, blogging has been a past time and sanctuary for all the ideas I have stuck in my head. Its basically an open diary for my “non-personal” thoughts and it usually involves 500 words in total, most of which are meaningless banter.

Now for Twitter it is slightly different, with their 140 character entry limit, it actually encourages you to put the most important point of the entry in first, without any meaningless ranting.  It allows me to jot down my thoughts, feelings, wants, to-do and basically anything else you can fit in 140 characters. I know that there are many others who uses Twitter as a form of communication, SMS if you will, but I prefer to keep my twitter account to private so that I can write pretty much anything I want.

As my readers would already know now, I really don’t have enough time to blog properly, the most I can muster these days would be a few sentences and random thoughts and ideas. This is pretty much why I use Twitter alot more now, to store these thoughts with complete time stamps. If anything, I want to hook it up to my Google calendar so that I can have a historic collection of everything I have entered into Twitter.

I would seriously recommend that you give Twitter a go and for all non-believers, I am going to write a list of things you could possibly do with a Twitter account.

Founder of UnicornGO, Visugu and Pixelsquare. I am an Aussie with a passion for building sustainable and scalable businesses servicing the mid to enterprise tier clients. Have an idea that need funding? Reach out to me and we can have a chat.


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