After two or so weeks worth of struggling to get translated to Spanish and having the articles re-purposed so that people can read it in Spain, we have finally decided that everything is up to scratch and the launch of LearningHow Spain is the proof of that.
LearningHow in Germany finally launched!
After two or so weeks worth of struggling to get translated to German and having the articles re-purposed so that people can read it in Germany, we have finally decided that everything is up to scratch and the launch of LearningHow Germany is the proof of that.
Learning How – Online Education website goes International!
Well, it has been exactly 23 days since Learning How – Australia launched to educate everyone on things that matters in life. Within these short 23 days, Learning How has been radically upgraded and expanded with 30 different niche category of topics and over 1000 articles all up. Because of this, we have decided to promote Learning How in five different languages. Say hi to Learning How International – Online Education Network.
Shameless Self pimping on MyBlogLog (for SEO mainly)
Is it just me or is MyBlogLog becoming like a shameless self pimping / viral link building community where a bunch of internet marketers gather to generate as much link value to their MyBlogLog page as possible. Do not that your the link on MyBlogLog to your websites are followed hence all that juicey internal links you get within MyBlogLog flows straight to your website.
Heath Ledger – A Great Aussie actor died today
Today is a sad day as our very own Heath Ledger was found dead at approximately 3:35pm(EST) in New York today (currently the 22nd of January 2008 for New Yorkers). He was found by his house keeper and cause of death seems to be a drug overdose.
Great new way to make money online –
Well, been surfing the net mindlessly as I always do and I came across an interesting website which allows webmasters to sell links. I know you’re thinking that you’ve been there done that, however this advertising network has a twist, it allows publishers to sell links on all pages of their website independently (which is completely different to sitewide links).
Plant a tree with Mount Franklin
Seems like quite a few big brands are endorsing being Green and caring for the planet. Take Mount Franklin (the bottled water company owned by Coke), they have decided to promote the planting of Trees around Australia to sustain life and build upon caring for the land.
Learning How launches today!
Well its the the year 2008, 6th of January and already I have a new venture starting up. Yes, thats right, I have decided to start launching websites once again, and this year is prime time for me baby! I present to you Learning How, an article website dedicated to relatively educational topics.
A good meta description can get you more traffic
Here is another quick SEO101 lesson on the usage of meta description tag for on page optimisations. I have mentioned that I would make a post on meta description in my previous post on useless meta keywords, so this is basically a follow up on that. Much like page titles, meta description actually plays a big part on SERPs and works as your marketing ad copy to your potential visitor.
Stop Whaling by signing this petition
Haven’t blogged for awhile as it has been a very busy 4th quarter for me this year, however I definitely have time to spread word on whaling and how to stop it. Now I am all for seafood and stuff, but heck there needs to be a balance in nature and its come to the point where whaling needs to stop.
Wohoo, page rank toolbar update – now I’m PR4
Finally, after waiting for like 6 months, Google finally decided to update the page rank on their toolbars. Though I know it doesn’t really mean anything, its always great to see that you’re doing something right by having a significantly higher Page Rank than before (do note that my previous page rank was zero, hence any movement is good).
Australian Dating Directory launched
My good friend has recently just launched a new Aussie only dating (and dating related) directory of goodness =). It is still in its early stages of development and is currently unable to accept new dating related business contacts, but I am sure it would be up and running very soon. Until then feel free to jump on and maybe help yourself find a date (if you don’t already have one). You never know, you just might get lucky and find the love of your life. Check it out over at
Microsoft Live Search upgrades in hopes to gain market share in search
Microsoft has finally decided that they don’t want to be number two (or three or four for that matter) anymore when it comes to search and has supposedly matched Google’s search relevancy as well as surpassed Yahoo’s search relevancy. As with many news that comes out of Microsoft, you need to take it with a grain of salt and hearing that they have beaten Yahoo at their own game (which mind you they have been doing for 13 years) over night seems like a bit of a stretch to me.
Touch Graph – A way to find relationship between websites via URLs or Keywords
I just came across an incredible relationship mapping tool which determines website relationships via either Keywords or URLs as seen by Google. The tool itself is simple enough, programmed in Java and presented in a very neat looking web 2.0 type of structure. However, the information which it presents is incredibly insightful and very very useful.
Hey hey, I got myself a South Park character!
Not, everyday do you get the chance to make your very own ridiculously ugly South Park character. Luckily for me, and many thanks to the guys over at, I got the chance to create a random South Park and here it is, admire it with you can!
Google Webmaster tools got an facelift
Just noticed that Google webmaster tools received a face lift over the weekend, not only that, it seems like it has been given some new features! With the new design Google Webmaster tools (GWT) seems to be significantly more streamline, easier to use with the Ajax features and atleast more organised.
George Bush and Tony Blair sings Endless Love Music Video
Its not everyday you get to see George Bush sing, let alone a duet with Tony Blair singing Endless love (by Lionel Richie). Just for the sake of making things interesting, I have included the lyrics below so for those who are interested, they can sing along.
Cheese on the Moon? Google says Yes
Just made an interesting discovery today after reading B&T, it turns out that Google actually hides easter eggs (basically a nerdy way to say special hidden treats, usually used to describe secret locations/items in games) in their products. As everyone should know already, Google has always been trying to be fun and innovative with their products, but since all of them are free (atleast the ones we actually use), I guess it gives them the right to do things which other companies dare not do to their paid products.
Spy on your competitor’s traffic with Traffic Estimator
I am sure that every SEO has once dreamed of prying into a competitor’s (or a client’s competitor) traffic stats. Now there is no accurate way of doing this and most of the scripts I’ve used thus far have been pretty misleading, however one does stand tall above all other traffic estimators.
Spam comments provide targeted keywords tailored for high ROI
I have been reading spam comments on my blog for the past week, monitoring where they are coming from and what their intentions are. I usually just delete them on sight and for some uncanny reason, the number of spam has been dropping dramatically. However, I have noticed that most spam comments have laser targeted keywords which would directly increase their ROI.